Real Creative Agency

5 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website

Here are 5 great ways to get MORE TRAFFIC to your website. The secret is to answer the questions that Google is getting.
5 Ways TO Get More Traffic To Your Website

Published: July 28, 2021 | Published By: Scott Shaffer

5  Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website

It is the goal of every website owner, more traffic to the site. We are going to show you 5 ways to do that.

First, create content that answers questions your potential customers are asking. Google tells you the searches the people make for your industry and keywords in their autosuggest box.

Go to and type in a keyword that is associated with your product. You will then finf numerous searches people are making. Google is TELLING YOU what people are asking for, so give them the answer in your content.

You can do the same thing with YouTube. Just type in a keyword that relates to your product and you will see the most common searches made around it.

Take one of those questions, use it as a headline for a blog post or video and answer it in GREAT DETAIL. What you are doing is HELPING GOOGLE by providing the answers to those queries.

No, you won’t get immediate traffic from a new blog post or video, but over time you will see your traffic pick up (AND STAY UP) as Google now considers your site’s content or YouTube channel as a credible place for information.

5 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website

The more informative content you create the more chances Google will find you.

Second, create backlinks. In other words, get the link to your site (or blog post) on OTHER sites. Not only does this help you with traffic but it also improves your ranking with Google. The larger the site that refers traffic to your site, the better.

You can do this by answering questions on Quora, commenting on other other related blogs or news sites, writing for Medium, posting content on Twitter or Facebook. These links are not as powerful as your original content but they get more traffic to your site.

Third, put your link in your email signature. Think of how many emails you send and receive a day. Now imagine that every one of those has a link to your website. This is a great way to get more traffic without spending a dime. You will be amazed at just how often someone visits your site from an email because they don’t have to google your company’s website.

Answer the questions that people are asking.

Fourth, pay for online ads. This is the method we discourage against because it just leads to TEMPORARY TRAFFIC. At Real Creative, our goal is to make sure your traffic is continuous and always growing.

Sure you will get orders but you didn’t create PERMANENT LINKS, like blog posts and videos do.

Finally, if you want to know how to create continuous traffic to your site WITHOUT PAYING FOR ADS, contact a truly creative digital marketing agency.

The experts at Real Creative show you how to get higher Google ranking or get more visitors to your YouTube channel without spending money on ads.

5 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Site.
  1. Create content that people are searching for on Google and YouTube.
  2. Create backlink on other sites that will drive traffic to yours.
  3. Put your link in your email signature.
  4. Pay for online ads.
  5. Hire a creative marketing agency.

The experts at Real Creative show you how to get higher Google ranking or get more visitors to your YouTube channel without spending money on ads.

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Bottom Line

These are 5 things you can do to get more traffic.  Our digital marketing agency believes that creative content is better than spending money on ads.

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