Published: July 28, 2021 | Published By: Scott Shaffer
3 Ways A Blog Will Help You Get Found On Google
A well written and designed blog is good for search engine optimization (SEO) because it can be found on 3 different Google searches.
First, make sure the title of the blog matches searches that are being made on Google. If you title your blog post to same exact wording of top search queries, it makes it easier for Google to find it.
The search question should be in your title and the answer should be in the FIRST SENTENCE of your blog post. Don’t make Google hunt for it.
Answer the question immediately and then proceed to explain the reasoning for your answer.
DO NOT give one word answers. You must elaborate on the answer to this question. This is a GREAT WAY to get a bunch of keywords and keyphrases in around the search result. That will only help you get found by search engines.
Here is an example. Look for a high searched question on Google like “how do I get on the first page of Google searches?“.
Your blog post would use that same phrase and then follow it up by saying something like “to get on the first page of Google searches, you need to be blogging. A blog is a great way to get found on Google searches in several ways“.
See what we did there? We get the title of our blog post in the post several ways.
Kind of sneeky? We prefer to call it real creative marketing.
This video shows an example of how ONE BLOG POST is found FIVE WAYS in a Google searches. Wouldn’t you like that too?
One blog post can be found in Google, Google Images and YouTube.
Second, meta tage every picture in your blog. Each image you include in a blog post is content that can get picked up by Google for relevant content.
Too many blogs add images without adding meta data to them. This a wasted opportunity.
When you add an image to a blog post make sure you add meta to it so Google will understand what the image is. Be sure to hyperlink the image BACK to this blog post. When it shows up in Google Images results, the person will click on the image and it will take them right to this post.
Take you mouse and just wave it over the image right below and see what words come up. Cool huh? Now when that image shows up in the Google Image search results the person will be direccted to this blog post.
Google owns YouTube and they REALLY like when you embed a video in a blog post.
Third, embed a relevant video in your blog post. Think about it. If you include a YouTube video in your blog post Google has incentive to not only show your blog post in a search result but ALSO your video as well.
Next time you do a Google search, look and see some of the top results ALSO include a video in the result. See why you need to include one now?
These are just tricks we use to get our clients on the first page of many Google search results.
If you want to know how to create continuous traffic to your site WITHOUT PAYING FOR ADS, contact a truly creative digital marketing agency.
The experts at Real Creative show you how to get higher Google ranking or get more visitors to your YouTube channel without spending money on ads.
3 Ways A Blog Helps Your SEO.
- Answering search queries with blog posts.
- Meta tag EVERY picture on your post for Google Images to pick it up too.
- Embed a relevant YouTube Video.
- Hire a creative marketing agency.
This is just one trick we use to help our clients to get found on Google. Wouldn’t you like to get access to ALL OF THEM?
The experts at Real Creative show you how to get higher Google ranking or get more visitors to your YouTube channel without spending money on ads.
Bottom Line
These are 5 things you can do to get more traffic. Our digital marketing agency believes that creative content is better than spending money on ads.
Daily helping our most valuable asset “YOU” since 2005.
Real Creative Agency

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Daily helping our most valuable asset "YOU" since 2005.