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Top 100 Business Books

Here are the TOP 100 BOOKS about any business related topic. They include marketing, entrepreneur, startups, and many more.

Top 100 Business Books

Published: September 29, 2021 | Published By: Scott Shaffer

Top 100 Business Books

These are the best books about marketing, startups, entrepreneur, business ideas, SEO, content creation, guerilla marketing, growth hacking, YouTube, and philosophy that I have found and read.

All of them have been read numerous times and they all have many marked pages. That enables them to be on the list. They go in the “special” book case because I refer to them often. Yes there are approximately 125 books on this list as it keeps growing.

Amazon and eBay say I have purchased over 2000 books in the last 10 years. I am going to save you the trouble of finding the good ones. Enjoy.

Full disclosure: If you click on one of the links and purchase one, I may get a couple bucks. Thank you for supporting my reading addiction habit.

Books highlighted in RED are my favorites.

3 Months To No. 1    Will Coombe shares numerous ways to improve your SEO. If you are serious about getting organic traffic, this is MUST READ.

100 Side Hustles  Looking for some extra income? Chris shares 100 idesa to generate a little extra cash.

All Marketers Are Liars Big fan of Seth Godin. You will see a lot of his books on the list. His writing is great for any type of marketing.

Anything You Want    This book is my go to when I need a boost. His story is simple but any entrepreneur will love how he did it.

Barking Up The Wrong Tree  The extraordinary science behind what actually determines success and, most importantly, how anyone can achieve it.

Becoming A Category Of One  The blueprint for building your own extraordinary business.

Blitzscaling The secret to starting and scaling massively valuable companies.

Blue Ocean Strategy  Find your niche. A blue ocean is one that doesn’t have competition. The riches are in the niches. This book explains why you need to find a niche.

Bold  From “I’ve got an idea” to “I run a billion-dollar company” far faster than ever before.

Born For This  How to find the work you were meant to do.

Brand Identity Breakthrough  How to Craft Your Company’s Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible.

Building A Storybrand  The secret for helping their customers understand the compelling benefits of using their products, ideas, or services.

Call To Action   The five phases that comprise web site development.

Company Of One   A new approach centered on staying small and avoiding growth, for any size business.

Crush It!   How to use the power of the Internet to turn your real interests into real businesses.

Crushing YouTube   One of my favorite YouTube marketing books. Joseph shares so MANY GREAT ideas.

Disrupt You   Jay shares unique methods he has used to invent new products and grow established businesses.

Dotcom Secrets   Love all of Russell’s work. Master the science of funnel building to grow your company online with sales funnels.

Duct Tape Marketing   Make your small business marketing as simple, effective, and affordable as duct tape.

Enchantment  Guy’s a branding genius for Apple. How to changes the skeptics and cynics into the believers and the undecided into the loyal.

Everybody Writes  If you write content, this is a must read. My favorite book for content guidance.

Everything is F*cked   Mark has a great way of making you look at things from a positive angle no matter how dark they are.

Expert Secrets  Convert your online visitors into lifelong customers.

Explosive Growth  Number #1 in Best Seller in Five StartUp & Entrepreneurship Categories.

Four Steps To The Epiphany  The Four Steps helps uncover flaws in product and business plans and correct them before they become costly.

Free Marketing   One hundred marketing ideas to help small business owners and marketers generate new revenue.

Free Prize Inside!  A proven strategy for making your products or services so remarkable that they practically sell themselves.

Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got   Find and/or create new opportunities for wealth-building in any existing business, enterprise, or venture.

Grapevine  What makes word-of-mouth very different from “buzz” and “viral marketing.

Guerilla Marketing   Anything Jay writes about guerilla marketing is valuable. He is a pioneer in finding ways to get attention.

Guerilla Marketing Weapons   Jay is the best at guerilla marketing..anything he writes is valuable.

Hacking Growth   Great words on how to hack growth for your business from the master.

Hacking Innovation   Hacking being used for good things like innovation.

Hooked  I find that this book always gets my creative juices flowing when I need a new idea for a business.

Hook Point How to grab attention quickly in the 3 second world.

How To Be The Luckiest Person Alive!   Millionaire to BK twice. This guy has done it all and shares a lot of great wisdom on how to get out of the gutter.

How To Build A Billion Dollar App  By far the BEST book to read if you want to build a biz around an application.

How To Drive Your Competition Crazy  The genius behind Apple shows you unique ways to make your competition irrelevant.

How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big    The creater of Dilbert shows you how he studied successful and created a game plan any entrepreneur can follow.

How To Get Instant Trust   “Big Al” has a series of books that gives great tricks on how to get people to agree with you from the very first thing you say.

How To Get Your Prospect’s Attention  “Big Al” has a series of books that gives great tricks on how to get people to agree with you from the very first thing you say.

How To Go Viral And Reach Millions   Learn the simple trick every script write uses in Hollywod to get blockbuster. There is a formula for telling a story.

I Was Blind But Now I See   He was on top of the world and in the gutter. I find Altucher writing so inspiring and refer to it when I need a pick me up.

Ice Breakers   “Big Al” has a series of books that gives great tricks on how to get people to agree with you from the very first thing you say.

Inspired   How to discover and deliver technology porducts that your customers will love..and will work for your business.

Life & Work Principles    The “Steve Jobs of Investing” shares his pricinples for life, work and relationships.

Linchpin   How to stand out, and be seen as indispensable.

Little Bets   How to take small bets in order to discover and develop new ideas.

Marketing A Love Story    Marketing doesn’t have to be about selling a product, it can be about helping solving problems.

Million Dollar Consulting    A step by step guide on ow to create a consulting business.

Move Fast And Break Things   New ways to think about how business is being done on the Web and why these companies grow so fast.

Nail It Then Scale It    A classic. Find what works before you scale. Try many things before you step on the gas. Love this one.

Obviously Awesome   How to find your product’s secret sauce and then sell it to those who ARE craving it.

One Simple Idea   How to licesne your great idea instead of building a company around it.

Permission Marketing   AN ABSOLUTE MUST READ. This is the new way to reach your customer. One of my FAVS.

Pitch Anything   To get the sale or funding you need to know how to frame your pitch. Oren shows you how to do that.

Positioning   MUST READ How to position yourself in a customer’s mind.

Purple Cow    A classic. A purple cow stands out in a field and gets your attention. Your company needs to have one or be one.

Read This If You Want To Be YouTube Famous General summary of how to build your YouTube channel from setup to what type of videos to make.

Reinvent Yourself   “Oh crap, what now?” If you have ever been rejected, fired, etc..this is the book you need to read to get your life back on track.

Rework   Business is simple. You dont need investors or grandiose marketing, you just need to solve a problem and get paid. Love this one.

Rules For Revolutionaries   Battle tested lessons to help revolutionaries become visionaries. A great read…Guy Kawaski is a genius.

Selling The Invisible   How to market a business that cannot be seen…like a service business.

SEO 2021   A Google Professional walks you through how to improves your SEO. A MUST READ.

Shortcut Your Startup   2 successful entrepreneurs give you secrets on how to get your startup up and running faster.

Side Hustle  How to get an idea, and turn it into a business in less than one month.

Skip The Line   Altucher’s Covid book…where the new jobs are going and how to get ahead without spending 10,000 hours being a master.

Small Is The New Big    Eight years of Seth Godin’s best blog posts.

Something Really New    Three steps to create truly innovative products.

Start With Why  How the greatest leaders in the world think and act. GREAT READ.

Stop Doing That Shit    How to break through our cycles of self sabotage to get what we want out of life.

Straight Talk For Startups   100 Rules or a guide to help anyone build a successful startup.

The $100 Startup   Chris shows how people with less than $100 turned a good idea into a startup, and how you can too.

The 1 Page Marketing Plan   MUST READ A conplete guide how to market your startup.

The 22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing    Written in 1994 but still applies today. 22 rules you must follow if you want your business to succeed in marketing.

The 4 Hour Work Week    THE CLASSIC. This book is a must for anoyone that wants to become an entrepreneur.

The Anatomy Of Buzz   How companies can spread the word to new territories by taking advantage of customer hubs and networks.

The Art Of The Start    The essential guide for anyone starting anything, from a multinational corporation to a church group.

The Art Of Thinking Clearly    FANTASTIC BOOK This helps solve the puzzle of human reasoning. LOVE THIS ONE.

The Automatic Customer    Subscription economy offers huge opportunities to companies that know how to turn customers into subscribers.

The Breakaway Brand    Captures what successful brand-building is all about.

The Dip   You are going to have one, that dip in your biz and confidence. Seth shows you how to push through.

The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster    This essential guidebook will prepare you for the wild ride of entrepreneurship..the good and bad.

The Growth Hacking Book   100 ideas for growth hacking your business.

The Idea Hunter   Breakaway ideas come to those who are in the habit of looking for them…he shows you how.

The Lean Startup   The ultimate book for product development.

The Long Tail   Understand how the number of small products for sale is much greater than the top sellers.

The Millionaire Fastlane    ONE OF MY FAVS. MJ shows you what kind of business to build if you want really fast growth. LOVE THIS BOOK.

The New Rules For Marketing & PR    How to build a marketing and PR strategy to grow any business.

The One Thing    The ONE thing that will bring your life into focus..part biz and part psychology.

The Referral Engine   How to teach your business to market itself.

The Secrets of Word Of Mouth Marketing  How to harness the power of social media influencers.

The StartUp Of You   Entrepreneurs are startups themselves. Invest in yourself if you want your business to succeed.

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck   Mark has a way of getting you to look at the big picture.

The Ultimate Sales Machine   Chet is a genius. He offers the secrets to everlasting business success.

The YouTube Formula  Derral Eves the YouTube superstar explains how to work the YouTube algorithm to grow your channel. Love this one.

They Ask You Answer   Marcus Sheridan explains how to get traffic to your site organically. A MUST READ for any blogger.

This Is Marketing    A game changing approach to marketing, sales and advertising.

Timeless SEO Secrets   Long time marketer shows you some white hat ricks to improve your SEO and shares some SEO myths.

Tools Of Titans    Tim has put together a collection of the brightest minds and the tools they use t succeed. Awesome reference book.

Traction   The 19 different channels that you should consider on how to get tracion for your business.

Traffic Secrets    A great product wont cut it. You need traffic to your site to succeed. Russell shows you how to get it.

Tribe Of Mentors    Tim has put together a collection of the brightest minds and the advice to give new entrepreneurs.

Tribes   Want to sell? Find your tribe. Find a group of people that want and need your product. Here is how to find them.

Ultimate Guide To Link Building   If you’re into SEO at all, this is a must read on a bunch of ways to build backlinks to your site.

Unfuck Yourself    An honest, no nonsense, tough-love approach to help you move past self-imposed ilmitations.

Unleashing The Ideavirus   He offers a recipe how your product can market itself when it is being used…the ultimate form of marketing.

Viral Loop   How companies build a marketing tool inside of their product so it does the work. A great book for growth hackers.

Waiting For Your Cat To Bark   What it takes to sell to people in the post Internet age. You may be trying get a sale (bark) from a cat. It won’t work.

Web Copy That Sells    How to write attention getting, clickable and actionable content.

Whatcha Gonna Do With That Duck    6 years of Set Godin’s best blog posts a few bonus ebooks.

Why People Don’t Buy Things    A systematic approach to understanding customer’s motivations and tailoring your sales strategy to it.

YouTube And Video Marketing   The book is a little dated but Greg outlines a blueprint to build your YouTube channel by just spending 1 hour a day.

YouTube Secrets  Sean and Benji are YouTube experts. A GREAT one.

YouTube Strategies Excellent ideas for building your YouTube channel.

Zero To One   Legendary VC investor gives advice on how to build a valuable company nobody is building. Thought provoking.

Ok, which ones did I miss? Send me an email to tell me YOUR FAVORITE. Did I get any wrong?

If you’re an author and want me to review your book, email me.



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