Real Creative Agency

Blog vs YouTube Which Is Better For Your Business?

Generating blog posts or posting videos on YouTube. Which do you think is a better return for your business? You will be surprised.

Blogging vs YouTube Which Is Better For Business

Published: October 6, 2021 | Published By: Real Creative Agency

Blog vs YouTube Which Is Better For Your Business?

You have X amount to spend on marketing, or maybe you don’t have any money. Is it better to post blog articles or post videos on YouTube to generate more traffic and revenue? We are going to compare each and let you decide.

What are you trying to achieve, more orders. That comes from people visiting your website right?

Let’s start with posting videos on YouTube. It is expected that 80% of all web traffic in 2022 will be video. There is no doubt that your company better have a presence on YouTube. But should you rely on IT for revenue?

Creating a video requires a lot of preparation. If you want it to look professional, it will also require a few dollars for editing. Some people can very easily video themselves using a mobile phone and posting it on YouTube. However, that doesn’t look professional and probably won’t improve your brand image.

There are several pros with posting videos on YouTube.

Having a channel on YouTube is free. It is another way for your content to get found in searches. Having a YouTube channel link will improve your website’s search engine optimization. It can be a way to directly interact with your visitors (comments).

It can be a GREAT WAY to demonstrate your product and offer videos on how to use it. You can embed them on your website to improve your SEO.

If you are able to gain enough subscribers, your videos will more likely be recommmended by YouTube. If you have enough subscribers and view time, you can join YouTube’s Partner Program and make money with ads on your videos.

You can get your video seen by promoting your YouTube in an ad.

Here are the cons with relying on YouTube for website traffic.

Videos require preparation. If you want your brand to look professional you will need quality lighting, camera, sound and editing. This gets expensive real fast.

If your channel is new or has few subscribers, YouTube may not suggest your video at all. You cannot rely on YouTube to suggest your video in search queries.

YouTube has a decent analytics platform but it doesn’t provide the search that lead them to your site. What was the person searching for?

Here is a little known secret about YouTube SEO. As soon as your video is published, YouTube tracks its popularity. If the video doesn’t get viewed, shared or commented on it basically goes into the file cabinet. If you promote the video as an ad, and the same lack of interest occurs, you can forget about YouTube EVER suggesting that video. See the conundrum?

Oh yeah the morale. You can have the greatest videos on the web but if you don’t have a lot of subscribers or a lot of views on your video, PEOPLE WILL NOT WATCH THEM.

Would you watch a video if it only had 25 views? No, you’re not going to waste precious time to see if the video is “good”. You’re going to let others “review” it first.

The BIGGEST DRAWBACK of relying YouTube for business? Let’s say the person liked your video and is interested in your project. What do they have to do next? They have to find your website and click on it. We see SO MANY YouTube videos that don’t even list their website in the video or in their description. People will not hunt to find your website.

The more hoops a person has to jump through to get to your site, the more chances you will lose them.

Those are the pros and cons of relying on YouTube videos to generate more revenue.


Is blogging better than YouTube for revenue?

Many people may say that video is the future and nobody blogs any more. Think again.

Who is the largest search engine and what content do they list for search queries?

Google is starting to add videos to search results. but their NUMBER ONE form of content in search results is websites.

Before we get to the pros and cons of blogging, here are 6 Reasons Your Site Needs A Blog.

Here are the cons of blogging.

Blogging isn’t as sexy as video. You can spruce up your blog with graphics, videos and images, but people still have to read. In this day, people want their info quickly. A good blog takes time to read.

You know the phrase,  “a picture is worth a thousand words“? A typical blog is 300 to 1000 words. Exactly that but a 30 second video is probably worth a million words. A video can convey a point in several manners. A blog…well just one…you gotta read it!

Here is why blogging is the best way to generate revenue.

We consider a blog post to be a “permanent ad“. A well written blog post using SEO can answer numerous questions your prospective customer has. Those questions are asked on Google every day and if you answer them correctly and in detail, your content WILL get on the first page of Google.

BLOGGING SEO TIP: Write down every question around your product’s keyword or keyphrase. Create a blog post for EVERY one. This is a guaranteed way to get organic traffic to your site.

A blog post can be referred to in other blog posts. it is called an anchor text and it is a blogging trick to improve your SEO. If you want your site or blog to rank higher for certain keywords, simply link back to older blog posts that are relevant to that keyword.

Only you will know how many people have read your blog post. That eliminates the “is this video worth watching” argument. We use Traffic Catch to make sure we can see every visitor (including private browsers) that visit our website.

You can add images to your blog post. If you add meta data to each image and link them to your blog post or website, you can create several backlinks. Another SEO tip.

Embed a YouTube video in a blog post and improve your chances of getting on Google’s first page search results. Another SEO secret is that if a person watches a YouTube video on your blog post it improves your SEO ranking. Google LOVES IT when you embed one of their products on your site.

They are in your “store” already.

If the person is on your website and reading your blog, they don’t need to find the Order button. You should be highlighting how to order your product in your blog post.

The BEST PART of blogging?

This traffic cost you NOTHING. You created a blog post using targeted keywords, a person found it from a search result, and they are on your website and you don’t have to pay for this traffic! Do you now see why SEO is better than PPC?

At the Real Creative Agency, we believe good content created once will be the best investment you will ever make in your business. Contact us for an SEO Package that meets your company’s needs.


Bottom Line

These are 5 things you can do to get more traffic.  Our digital marketing agency believes that creative content is better than spending money on ads.

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