Real Creative Agency

How To Get On The First Page Of Google Search Results

The first page of Google search results are the best answers to Google searches. Answer the questions your target audience is asking. 

How To Get On The First Page OF Google Search Results

Published: August 16, 2021 | Published By: Real Creative Agency

How To Get On The First Page Of Google Search Results

The first page of Google results contain the best answers to the search queries they get. In order to get on the first page, you need to answer the questions your target audience is asking in as many ways possible.

Blogging is a necessity to improve your Google rank

First, create content that answers questions your potential customers are asking. Google tells you the searches the people make for your industry and keywords in their autosuggest box.

Help Google by giving them the answers!

Go to and type in a keyword that is associated with your product. You will then finf numerous searches people are making. Google is TELLING YOU what people are asking for, so give them the answer in your content.

You can do the same thing with YouTube. Just type in a keyword that relates to your product and you will see the most common searches made around it.

Take one of those questions, use it as a headline for a blog post or video and answer it in GREAT DETAIL. What you are doing is HELPING GOOGLE by providing the answers to those queries.

If you do this right, you can get ONE blog post listed as SEVERAL search results.

How To Get On The First Page Of Google

Answer the SAME questions Google is getting about your product or service.

Second, determine the keywords or key phrases that are used in the search queries. One search query can be asked in various ways. Include EVERY variation in your blog post as a heading or text.

Your blog post will rank higher on Google if you answer that query possible in ONE post.

Here are 6 Reasons You Need A Blog

Third, answer the question the best way possible. That means no one word answers. Think of your target audience and their concerns. Address those concerns when you answer the question. The more detailed you can get, they better your credibility.

You are expert in the space but that person may not be. Share the answer in a way that they can understand it QUICKLY.

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Adding several forms of content will help your Google ranking.

Fourth, add various forms of content to answer the Google searches. Google owns YouTube and uses video content on their first page of results. Do you have a YouTube video that you could embed in the blog post?

Google loves ANY content of THEIRS they can provide in their search results. The click KEEPS THE USER ON THEIR PLATFORM.

Fifth, meta tag all of the images on your blog. Your blog probably has images to convey the story, make sure you are adding meta data to them so they can get picked up in a Google Image search too.

Finally, if you want to know how to create continuous traffic to your site WITHOUT PAYING FOR ADS, contact a truly creative digital marketing agency.

The experts at Real Creative show you how to get higher Google ranking or get more visitors to your YouTube channel without spending money on ads.

5 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Site.
  1. What questions are your customers asking.
  2. Determine keywords and phrases being used .
  3. Answer the Google searches.
  4. Add additional forms of content.
  5. Hire a creative marketing agency.

The experts at Real Creative show you how to get higher Google ranking or get more visitors to your YouTube channel without spending money on ads.

Bottom Line

These are 5 things you can do to get more traffic.  Our digital marketing agency believes that creative content is better than spending money on ads.

Daily helping our most valuable asset “YOU” since 2005.

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