Real Creative Agency

3 EASY Ways To Keep Visitors On Your Site Longer

Time spent on your website is the number one thing Google looks at to determine your site’s relevance. Here are 3 EASY ways to increase that.

Increase Website Traffic Time

Published: September 27, 2021 | Published By: Real Creative Agency

3 EASY Ways To Keep Visitors On Your Site Longer

Time spent on your website is the number one thing Google looks at to determine your site’s relevance. Here are 3 EASY ways to increase that.

The NUMBER ONE thing Google looks at when determining your site’s relevance is how long a visitor stays on your website.  This is called “relevance of webpages“. The longer the time on your site, the better your website’s ranking with the largest search engine. A  quick visit and leave is called having a high bounce rate. It means the visitor did not find what they were after and also tells Google NOT to offer that site in search results for that keyphrase going forward.

Here are 3 Tips To Reduce Your Bounce Rate & Rank Higher

Website Tip: Time on your site does not have to include reading.

Here are the 3 EASY ways you can keep a visitor on your site longer an increase your ranking.

First, the most obvious way to increase visitor time on your site is to increase the amount of text or material. Your blog posts should be at least 500 words per post. Every once in a while, write a 1000-2000 word blog post. Google sees that much content as showing authority of a subject.

Go into great detail about each aspect of a relevant topic. This gives you a great way to add a bunch of industry specific kewyords. If people spend the time to read the entire article, this will improve your site’s relevance with Google.

Second, create a list for your industry. It is probably the best way to increase a visitor’s time on a page but it requires a little work.

A link list is simply a bunch of links that reference other informative content about your industry or product. As example, we created a really awesome information page and it is by far our longest visited site page. We took the time and created the Top 100 Books For Entrepreneurs to increase our website time.

That one page is informative for our space and keeps a viewer on our site for quite a long time. Find a a list you could create that people would not only visit, but think to share with their friends.

TIP: Be sure to make EVERY link open to a new tab. You don’t want people to leave yoru site when they click a link.

Third, embed a YouTube video on your website or in your blog post.

Google just loves it when you place content from their platform on one of your pages. It gives them 2 ways to offer your page or post as a search result. If someone makes a search and there is a chance to show a webpage that has 2 pieces of content answering the question..that’s a no brainer.

What embedding a YouTube really does though.

If there is a video on your site, and the visitor clicks on it, chances are they will stay on your site at LEAST 20 SECONDS LONGER. That increases the session duration.

BONUS. If you can create a web widget or application for your site, your site relevance will skyrocket. If you can find a way that people will come to your site to use a tool, that is the ideal situation.

At Real Creative, we find ways to do this for many websites. Between list links and tools, these are the secrets we use to help our clients get on Google’s first page.

Some tools we created: an application that shows a visitor how many cookies a website has. A php script that shows a what keywords their YouTube channel is showing to YouTube. A modified search engine that shows how DuckDuckGo really isn’t private. A tool that finds the metadata of any image. A tool that converts any web image to any format.

These tools are placed on the client’s website which are not only useful but they keep a visitor on the site longer AND offer a great way to capture emails from users.

Creating tools like this, suggesting ideas for longer visitor time, and writing content that improves a site’s relevance are all part of our SEO Packages.

This is a video that explains how we get you found on the Web.

There are many tips to increasing visitor time.

Those are just some of the ways we suggest to increase time spent on a website.

The bottom line to increase your value in Google’s eyes is to provide valuable information. If you can answer the question they ask Google and DON’T continue searching Google for that same query, your site has done its job and Google will reward you.

The ideal situation is when OTHER sites direct traffic to your site. That will improve your ranking REAL FAST. To do that we suggest a vey good link list or a creative tool for your site.

Are you ready to start getting traffic to your site without paying for ads?


Free YouTube Channel Analysis

Longer site duration means your site is informative.

DURATION SITE TIP: This is a secret we tell all of our clients. The best way to increase the amount of time a visitor spends on your site AND improves your search engine optimization is this.

Watch this video to find out our website traffic secret.


6 YouTube Optimization Tips.
  1. Find keywords that don’t face too much competition.
  2. Does your title convey what video is about?
  3. Use the description to include your targeted keywords.
  4. Find correct hashtags.
  5. Include the SEO keywords.
  6. Provide a GREAT thumbnail.

The experts at Real Creative show you how to get higher Google ranking or get more visitors to your YouTube channel without spending money on ads.

Bottom Line

These are 5 things you can do to get more traffic.  Our digital marketing agency believes that creative content is better than spending money on ads.

Daily helping our most valuable asset “YOU” since 2005.

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